ALL PURCHASES ALL FINAL. We cannot offer credits or move your registration to another program date.
Refunds will only be issued if Eden Mill is forced to cancel a program.
Upcoming Programs
Group Canoe Paddling, Safety And Rescue Training
One day tandem canoe paddling, safety and rescue training program for your group of 4 to 8 participants. Program can be scheduled around your requirements and is held on Deer Creek at Eden Mill Nature Center. Eden Mill provides all the necessary equipment including canoes, paddles, and life jackets. This is an American Canoe Association Skills Course taught by A.C.A. certified instructors.
Course includes paddle safety and effective paddling strokes. You will learn and practice techniques for rescuing a capsized canoe and its occupants.
Fee: $65 per person
Contact Eden Mill Nature Center to schedule your course today.

Outreach for HCPS and BCPS
Richard Anderson, an award winning educator, has 30 years’ experience
teaching middle school science and math in Baltimore County Public Schools.
Since leaving the school system, he has been providing environmental
education programs at low cost to Maryland school students. Eden Mill is
proud to partner with Richard to make his Creature Features programs
available to the students of Baltimore and Harford County Public Schools.
Please contact us if you are interested in booking one of these programs for an
enriching, informative, entertaining assembly or classroom presentation! The cost is
$1 per student.